Selected images from "Our House" project (Actual pieces are life-sized)

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sound System

Anticipating the need to eventually supply a sound system for my show, as well as for any other pieces that may incorporate sound, I decided to put together a basic rack-mounted system that will play decent sound in a average-sized show space. Looking at discount internet suppliers, I put together a system that will be used for the three following scenarios:

1) Continuous looping of a CD track (of the sound sculpture) for the entire duration of the gallery show.

2) For use with art pieces that I may produce that will incorporates the use of sound design.

3) To “sculpt” live sound in public-art sound sculptures that I hope to do in the future.

Considering the usage, the requirements of the system should be as follows:

1) Because the system will be left in the galleries and operated by gallery staff, it should be easy to use. Meaning that it will have to have a CD player (and not have to be played via a computer laptop--which will be too complicated).

2) Relatively portable, with enough power to fill a good sized show space with undistorted sound. This means rack-mounted components all set up in one portable case. And small, but high quality, speakers (which I already have).

3) My preliminary experiments with altering live sound produced scary levels of feedback. I know I have a lot more learning to do here. Regardless, I decided to buy a feedback eliminator unit to put in the rack. Maybe it will help. We'll see...

Anyways, there was a good sale last week at one of the internet suppliers, so I put in the order, and the components have been coming in one at a time via UPS and FedEx. Mostly, these are lower-end, prosumer components that don’t cost as much as high-end audiophile units. I hope the resulting sound quality will be good enough. Will report more when the whole thing is put together.

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